What I wanted to do was to partner my clients on their journey of growth and transformation.
What I learned...
Is that as I partner them, it is also about my own growth and transformation.
When I coached an executive around Imposter Syndrome, I recognised some symptoms still lurking around in me, from a younger me and worked on it.
When a client said that she needed to practise more self-compassion, it was a reminder for me also. So many such examples. A coach as a learner even during a session, was a powerful and valuable lesson.
It reminded me that every encounter is an opportunity to learn something new and discover something important about ourselves.
When ICF Mumbai wanted to do a PODCAST on my coaching journey, I was intrigued as I had never done one before.
Their questions made me go deep within to reflect and answer.
My sincere thanks to ICF Mumbai and a special shout out to the 3 Ps of Priya, Parineeta and Prasad.
Listen to the podcast here.