“I am an exceptional cook. I truly am”.
Her voice rang with passion.
This was the elimination round for the top 5 contestants, in a popular cooking show.
The contestant placed her food for tasting, and as she walked away, the judges spontaneously applauded.
I was stunned. ‘Exceptional’, she said. No couching it.
How many of us own up to who we are?
I do so in some respects, not all.
I love word games such as Scrabble and Words with Friends.
When my opponent says I have a great game, I am quick to say that it is the luck of the tiles.
Yes, luck is involved. But I am also very good. I just have difficulty acknowledging it. False modesty takes over.
Even now, I typed ‘kick-ass’ and deleted it. But saying that I am ‘very good’ is a huge step forward for me. One day, I hope to just be, without qualifiers.
Sometimes, while coaching, I may talk about a third person who has done all that my client has done, and I play back all that they have told me. At their growing realisation that they are looking at themselves and that there is much to be proud of, the very energy changes.
What will it take for you to own up to who you are?
Or are you there already?